Senin, 26 September 2011


Everyone knows what family really is. But not everyone understands the real meaning of a family.

We all has a familly. Well at least we has our mother that raise us when we were still litle and small, our father that always helps us when we have trouble, our sisters and brothers, etc. When we have our own familly, we'll be given responsibility to take care of our children.

We as a part of those families, we should be nice, be nice to your mother, your father, your sisters, brothers, and the rest of your family. Never act selfish and foolish. and if you've done something wrong, ask for their forgiveness.

We should be happy that we still have our family with us. How about those that doesn't has a familly? That's why, we should always prays to our god, care each other, and always forgiving.
I hope this is useful. Thanks for your concern!

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